Image a time when new Bobbies were only given a ten-minute check drive around the block before being let loose on the public – blue lights flashing, sirens roaring, chasing vehicles – whatever they felt safe enough to do. Image this occurring now.
It’s winter 1992, early hours of the morning, and the coldest and iciest night imaginable. Our two heroes – we’re call them Pete and Dud – respond to a report of a stolen car being chased down the main drag from the neighbouring town. Cars were always being nicked then, there seemed to be multiple chases every night, mostly taken on with enthusiasm by untrained Bobbies revving the lives out of their 1400cc Escorts and following each other in convoy like some scaled down version of those final scenes in The Blue Brothers. I’m not sure that TPAC had even been invented …
And what was Pete’s punishment for his over-enthusiasm in wrecking the patrol car and disfiguring that roundabout? Well, the awarding of a three week Standard Driving Course of course, which the Traffic Sergeant who arrived at the scene to survey the carnage thought might address his inexperience in driving.